St Mark is a proud to sponsor the Virginia District 7 Little League Challenger program.

District 7 Little League Challenger is a baseball program for mentally & physically challenged youth on the Virginia Peninsula. Established in 1989 as a separate division of Little League Baseball to enable boys and girls with physical and mental disabilities, ages 4-16 or the completion of high school, to enjoy the game of baseball.
Teams are set up according to abilities, rather than age, and can include as many as 15-20 players, who can participate in one of three levels: Tee-Ball, Coach-Pitch or Player Pitch.
Each player gets a chance at bat. The side is retired when the offense has batted through the roster, or when a pre-determined number of runs has been scored, or when three outs are recorded. The Challenger players wear the same uniforms, shoulder patches and safety equipment as other Little League players.
One of the benefits of having a Challenger Division is that it encourages the use of “buddies” for the Challenger players. The buddies assist the Challenger players on the field but whenever possible, encourage the players to bat and make plays themselves. However, the buddy is always nearby to help when needed.