Choir Resource Page

Greta’s youtube listening list for the choir. These pieces are in our binders, listening to them is helpful for us in learning to sing them and I suggest is also very enjoyable.

Achieved is the Glorious Work by F. Haydn

Rehearse with these tracks and your music. The tracks use the non-italicized words in your copy, we will too. You can download any track to your device by clicking on the three dots to the right of the audio link. A copy of the music is attached below.

Balanced voices


Bass predominant

Tenor predominant

Alto predominant

Soprano predominant

Sheet music, click on the download button below for your own copy. There are also extra copies in the choir room.

Risen Today

Practice tracks click here

Lent 2: Bread of the World In Mercy Broken

Practice tracks click here

Sheet music: