Rev. Seminarian Andy Taminger

Hello! My name is Vicar Andy Taminger!

I was baptized and confirmed at St. Mark, and I was an active member in Youth Group, handbells, Sunday School, and many other congregational ministries! Growing up in this congregation laid the groundwork for where I am today, pursuing theological education and seeking ordination in the ELCA! I am incredibly grateful to call St. Mark my church family.

Follow along with my seminary and internship journey!

August 15, 2021 – Rev. Seminarian Andy Taminger begins Seminary at Gettysburg Campus.

August 27, 2021 – Andy finished his first class at ULS, Summer Greek! Εἰρήνη ὑμῖν!

Sept. 26, 2021 – First Sunday worshipping at St. Benjamin’s Lutheran Church in Westminster MD, Andy’s teaching parish for his first year of Seminary.

Oct. 16, 2021 – President Guy Erwin was installed as president of ULS by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. Andy was crucifer for the worship service.

Apr. 24, 2022 – Andy preaches at St. Benjamin’s Lutheran Church, “By Believing, One Sees” (YouTube Link: )

May 31, 2022 – Andy begins his Summer Unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at the Riverside Regional Medical Center.

July 24, 2022 – Andy preaches at St. Mark, with Pastor Nahum Ambole presiding!

Aug. 19, 2022 – Andy completes his first unit of CPE!

Aug. 24, 2022 – Andy starts his second year at ULS. He serves on the Worship Life Team, and as the Vice President of the ULS Student Body!

Jan. 2 – 19, 2023 – Andy flies with a ULS-affiliated group to Turkey and Greece, visiting some of the important places that Paul and the early missionaries frequented, accounted in the book of Acts and the Epistles!

Summer, 2023 – Andy serves as the Adventure Chaplain at Caroline Furnace Camp and Retreat!

Sept. 13 – 21, 2023 – Andy and Pastor Joel travel to the Lutheran World Federation’s 13th Assembly in Kraków, Poland, hosted by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland.

Spring, 2024 – Andy serves as the Interim Lay Campus Minister for The Well Lutheran Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia! Andy takes his last class online through United Lutheran Seminary: “Environmental History of Christianity.”

June 2, 2024 – Andy officially begins his ELCA internship year. He serves as the Vicar at Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville, Virginia, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Martinsville, Virginia, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Reidsville, North Carolina.

Please keep Andy in your thoughts and prayers as he continues his seminary and internship formation!

6 thoughts on “Rev. Seminarian Andy Taminger

  1. On Saturday, October 16, 2021, Andy served as the crucifer and a communion assistant for the installation service for President Rev. Dr. R. Guy Erwin. As a first year seminarian, he was excited to be asked to participate in an event that included a sermon by Rev. Patricia Ann Curtis Davenport, Bishop of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, and installation by Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Bishop of the ELCA. Afterwards, he shared his excitement of getting to fist-bump Bishop Eaton! Here’s the link to the installation service, if you’d like to watch it (procession begins 25 min. into the recording):

  2. Updates from Seminary Ridge: In addition to coursework, this past semester was full of adventures! I started ushering for a concert series called “Music! Gettysburg”, and I serve on the ULS Worship Planning Team while helping oversee the chapel sacristy. I also recently began serving on the ULS Gettysburg Student Council. Our Gettysburg community is small but mighty! Outside of seminary and church activities, I enjoy LOTS of coffee in my own homemade café, I hike occasionally on Gettysburg’s battlefield and the nearby Appalachian Trail, I explore farmers markets and shops around Southern Pennsylvania, I continue to teach myself about music and photography, and I spend time with friends and family when I’m safely able to do so. I look forward to a new semester in the Spring of 2022, and I hope to continue discovering new and incredible things about myself and the world around me!
    Stay healthy, continue to shine, and be well 🙂
    +Blessings and Peace+
    Andy Taminger

    1. We are so proud of you! Thank you for keeping us all informed on your studies and experiences as a Seminarian. God’s blessings to you.
      Peace be with you. Spin and Shirley Krause

  3. Dear Andy,
    I just listened to your sermon from a couple of weeks back. I enjoyed your message! Your presentation was welcoming. Looks like you’re off to a great start. Take care. God’s blessings. Looking forward to hearing more of your sermons and worship.

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