Music at St Mark
Music at St Mark is cherished, glorified and held close by many worshipers. To these ends we strive to study, rehearse and offer many kinds of music for worship. Read about our programs here and let us know if you would like to participate in some way. Handbell and choir rehearsals are on Thursday evenings, handbells at 6:00pm and choir at 7:00pm. Contact the church office or either of the directors directly with interest and questions. We are grateful for our music ministries that add so much to weekly worship and we welcome all that may be interested in serving. Soli de gloria!
The choir offers anthems, a variety of hymn enhancements, psalm settings, support for multiple service music settings used through the church year, and larger works and special music for Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. To share in the joy of the music ministry at St Mark, please respond to Greta at:
Handbell Choir

Although hand bells have been around for centuries, tradition holds that the English Handbells we now use began in Great Britain as a way for the ringers of the cathedral tower bells to rehearse without annoying the whole town. As handbells were improved and additional notes were added, handbells became recognized for their own beautiful tunes.
Ringing in a handbell choir is a wonderfully unique way to make music. You are part of a choir, combining to create a resonant melody. But you are also the only member who plays your specific notes. It is this combination of camaraderie and challenge that makes handbell ringing so much fun!
The Handbell Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00pm. We ring to the glory of God about once a month for Sunday worship service. Any questions? Contact Gail Teigeler Home phone: 757-867-6652 Cell phone: 757-810-5691 Email: